The Church In African Christianity

The Church In African Christianity

Innovative Essays In Ecclesiology


Book Overview

This volume continues the exploration of various aspects of the Christian faith in Africa started with Jesus In African Christianity (Initiatives Publishers, 1989). Its theme is the Church: How can the Church be truly African and truly Christian? If the mission of Christ was to establish the rule of God through preaching of the Gospel, and if the Church is the witness of that rule through its total ministry, then it cannot be that the Church flows from Christ just as logically (in theology) as ecclesiology flows from Christology. To be effective agents of the rule of God among humanity, however, it was necessary that Christ become incarnate, not only as human being but as Jew. To be an effective witness of preaching and life of Christ in Africa, the Church likewise must take root in African culture. Not only must it have an African skin so to speak, but its whole body-soul, the entire organism called Church, must acquire an African character. The external structures and internal content or doctrine of the African Church must be rooted in and reflect the African religious heritage. This task has been and remains our priority and profound conviction.

Additional Information

Editors J.N.K. Mugambi and Laurenti Magesa
Publisher Acton Publishers
Category Digital
Type Digital
Pages 0
Language English
ISBN 9966-888-60-8
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